The endpoint for Quorum Outbox email campaigns
BulkEmail retrieved successfully
improperly configured request
authorization failure
internal server error
{- "_extra": { },
- "abtest": "/api/abtest/1/",
- "actions": 0,
- "aggregate_clicks": 0,
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- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "limited_to_teams": [
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], - "link_dict": { },
- "merge_variables": [
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- "reply_to_user": "/api/user/1/",
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- "scheduled_send_time": "string",
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- "selection_json_old": { },
- "send_from_assignments": true,
- "sent_datetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- "should_stagger_send": true,
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- "supporter_count": 0,
- "text": "string",
- "unsubscribe_enabled": true,
- "unsubscribes": 0,
- "updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "use_personal_email": true,
- "user": "/api/user/1/",
- "variant_of": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
- "variants": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
- "was_imported": true,
- "winner": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
- "winner_of": "/api/bulkemail/1/"
The endpoint for Quorum Outbox email campaigns
BulkEmail retrieved successfully
improperly configured request
authorization failure
internal server error
{- "_extra": { },
- "abtest": "/api/abtest/1/",
- "actions": 0,
- "aggregate_clicks": 0,
- "aggregate_opens": 0,
- "aggregate_unsubscribes": 0,
- "archived": true,
- "attachments": "/api/attachment/1/",
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- "bcc_rcpts": [
- "string"
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- "campaigns": "1/",
- "cc_rcpts": [
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], - "click_rate": 0,
- "clicks": 0,
- "compose_tool": "string",
- "content_version": 0,
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "current_status": 1,
- "custom_event": "/api/customevent/1/",
- "email_count": 0,
- "excluded_email_count": 0,
- "excluded_person_count": 0,
- "excluded_press_count": 0,
- "excluded_supporter_count": 0,
- "excludes_json": { },
- "excludes_json_old": { },
- "external_id": "string",
- "failed_recipients": { },
- "from_address": "string",
- "from_name": "string",
- "from_user": "/api/user/1/",
- "html_content": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "initial_opens": 0,
- "is_abtest": true,
- "is_draft": true,
- "is_moved": true,
- "is_scheduled": true,
- "is_updating": true,
- "json_content": { },
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "limited_to_teams": [
- "/api/team/1/"
], - "link_dict": { },
- "merge_variables": [
- "string"
], - "must_send_as_creator": true,
- "open_rate": 0,
- "opens": 0,
- "percent_opened": 0,
- "person_count": 0,
- "press_count": 0,
- "projects": [
- "/api/project/1/"
], - "reply_count": 0,
- "reply_to_address": "string",
- "reply_to_assignments": true,
- "reply_to_name": "string",
- "reply_to_user": "/api/user/1/",
- "resource_uri": "string",
- "root_bulk_email": "string",
- "saved_by_user": true,
- "scheduled_send_time": "string",
- "selection_json": { },
- "selection_json_old": { },
- "send_from_assignments": true,
- "sent_datetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "should_cc_all": true,
- "should_stagger_send": true,
- "subject": "string",
- "supporter_bounces": 0,
- "supporter_count": 0,
- "text": "string",
- "unsubscribe_enabled": true,
- "unsubscribes": 0,
- "updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "use_personal_email": true,
- "user": "/api/user/1/",
- "variant_of": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
- "variants": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
- "was_imported": true,
- "winner": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
- "winner_of": "/api/bulkemail/1/"
The endpoint for Quorum Outbox email campaigns
archived | boolean Whether the record has been soft-deleted or not. |
bcc_rcpts | Array of strings email addresses for bcc recipients |
cc_rcpts | Array of strings email addresses for cc recipients |
compose_tool | string the type of compose tool used |
content_version | integer <int64> Version number of the bulk email's content.This value is incremented on every succesful save, to prevent concurrent saves erasing someones work.If a client attempts to save a BulkEmail without the passing in the current content_version, there is a potential save conflict. |
current_status | integer <int64> The current status of an email See the Enumeration Documentation CSV file located at Quorum_API_Enumeration_Values.csv, name EmailStatus, for an explanation of values. |
custom_event_id | string <{"id": QUORUM_ID}> the CustomEvent associated with this BulkEmail |
excludes_json | string the excludes json |
external_id | string A custom field that allows users to match this bulk email to a bulk email in an external system. |
from_address | string address email was sent from |
from_name | string The name that is shown in the Email from field. Defaults to quorum user |
from_user_id | string <{"id": QUORUM_ID}> User id of the email sender; not always the same as the user_id (the email creator) |
html_content | string html content of the email |
is_draft | boolean Marks whether the email is a draft |
is_scheduled | boolean Marks whether or not the sending of the email was delayed |
json_content | string json from the email template if they choose to use one |
limited_to_teams | Array of strings <{"id": QUORUM_ID}> The teams that are associated with this bulkemail. |
projects | Array of strings <{"id": QUORUM_ID}> The project for which the email was sent |
reply_to_address | string Email address that responses are directed to |
reply_to_assignments | boolean Determine whether the email should reply to recipients' assignments |
reply_to_name | string name of person getting reply |
reply_to_user_id | string <{"id": QUORUM_ID}> id of the person receiving reply emails |
scheduled_send_time | string The YYYY-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-hh:mm string of whento send the email. |
selection_json | string the selected json |
send_from_assignments | boolean Determine whether the email should be sent from recipients' assignments |
should_cc_all | boolean Indicates whether all cc'd recipients should receive and email |
subject | string The subject of the email |
unsubscribe_enabled | boolean Marks whether or not the message will have an unsubscribe |
use_personal_email | boolean Indicates whether the personal email of a Person should be used |
BulkEmail retrieved successfully
improperly configured request
authorization failure
internal server error
{- "archived": true,
- "bcc_rcpts": [
- "string"
], - "cc_rcpts": [
- "string"
], - "compose_tool": "string",
- "content_version": 0,
- "current_status": 1,
- "custom_event_id": "string",
- "excludes_json": "string",
- "external_id": "string",
- "from_address": "string",
- "from_name": "string",
- "from_user_id": "string",
- "html_content": "string",
- "is_draft": true,
- "is_scheduled": true,
- "json_content": "string",
- "limited_to_teams": [
- "string"
], - "projects": [
- "string"
], - "reply_to_address": "string",
- "reply_to_assignments": true,
- "reply_to_name": "string",
- "reply_to_user_id": "string",
- "scheduled_send_time": "string",
- "selection_json": "string",
- "send_from_assignments": true,
- "should_cc_all": true,
- "subject": "string",
- "unsubscribe_enabled": true,
- "use_personal_email": true
{- "_extra": { },
- "abtest": "/api/abtest/1/",
- "actions": 0,
- "aggregate_clicks": 0,
- "aggregate_opens": 0,
- "aggregate_unsubscribes": 0,
- "archived": true,
- "attachments": "/api/attachment/1/",
- "attempted_resend_count": 0,
- "bcc_rcpts": [
- "string"
], - "bounces": 0,
- "campaigns": "1/",
- "cc_rcpts": [
- "string"
], - "click_rate": 0,
- "clicks": 0,
- "compose_tool": "string",
- "content_version": 0,
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "current_status": 1,
- "custom_event": "/api/customevent/1/",
- "email_count": 0,
- "excluded_email_count": 0,
- "excluded_person_count": 0,
- "excluded_press_count": 0,
- "excluded_supporter_count": 0,
- "excludes_json": { },
- "excludes_json_old": { },
- "external_id": "string",
- "failed_recipients": { },
- "from_address": "string",
- "from_name": "string",
- "from_user": "/api/user/1/",
- "html_content": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "initial_opens": 0,
- "is_abtest": true,
- "is_draft": true,
- "is_moved": true,
- "is_scheduled": true,
- "is_updating": true,
- "json_content": { },
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "limited_to_teams": [
- "/api/team/1/"
], - "link_dict": { },
- "merge_variables": [
- "string"
], - "must_send_as_creator": true,
- "open_rate": 0,
- "opens": 0,
- "percent_opened": 0,
- "person_count": 0,
- "press_count": 0,
- "projects": [
- "/api/project/1/"
], - "reply_count": 0,
- "reply_to_address": "string",
- "reply_to_assignments": true,
- "reply_to_name": "string",
- "reply_to_user": "/api/user/1/",
- "resource_uri": "string",
- "root_bulk_email": "string",
- "saved_by_user": true,
- "scheduled_send_time": "string",
- "selection_json": { },
- "selection_json_old": { },
- "send_from_assignments": true,
- "sent_datetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "should_cc_all": true,
- "should_stagger_send": true,
- "subject": "string",
- "supporter_bounces": 0,
- "supporter_count": 0,
- "text": "string",
- "unsubscribe_enabled": true,
- "unsubscribes": 0,
- "updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "use_personal_email": true,
- "user": "/api/user/1/",
- "variant_of": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
- "variants": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
- "was_imported": true,
- "winner": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
- "winner_of": "/api/bulkemail/1/"
The endpoint for Quorum Outbox email campaigns
archived | boolean Whether the record has been soft-deleted or not. |
bcc_rcpts | Array of strings email addresses for bcc recipients |
cc_rcpts | Array of strings email addresses for cc recipients |
compose_tool | string the type of compose tool used |
content_version | integer <int64> Version number of the bulk email's content.This value is incremented on every succesful save, to prevent concurrent saves erasing someones work.If a client attempts to save a BulkEmail without the passing in the current content_version, there is a potential save conflict. |
current_status | integer <int64> The current status of an email See the Enumeration Documentation CSV file located at Quorum_API_Enumeration_Values.csv, name EmailStatus, for an explanation of values. |
custom_event_id | string <{"id": QUORUM_ID}> the CustomEvent associated with this BulkEmail |
excludes_json | string the excludes json |
external_id | string A custom field that allows users to match this bulk email to a bulk email in an external system. |
from_address | string address email was sent from |
from_name | string The name that is shown in the Email from field. Defaults to quorum user |
from_user_id | string <{"id": QUORUM_ID}> User id of the email sender; not always the same as the user_id (the email creator) |
html_content | string html content of the email |
is_draft | boolean Marks whether the email is a draft |
is_scheduled | boolean Marks whether or not the sending of the email was delayed |
json_content | string json from the email template if they choose to use one |
limited_to_teams | Array of strings <{"id": QUORUM_ID}> The teams that are associated with this bulkemail. |
projects | Array of strings <{"id": QUORUM_ID}> The project for which the email was sent |
reply_to_address | string Email address that responses are directed to |
reply_to_assignments | boolean Determine whether the email should reply to recipients' assignments |
reply_to_name | string name of person getting reply |
reply_to_user_id | string <{"id": QUORUM_ID}> id of the person receiving reply emails |
scheduled_send_time | string The YYYY-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-hh:mm string of whento send the email. |
selection_json | string the selected json |
send_from_assignments | boolean Determine whether the email should be sent from recipients' assignments |
should_cc_all | boolean Indicates whether all cc'd recipients should receive and email |
subject | string The subject of the email |
unsubscribe_enabled | boolean Marks whether or not the message will have an unsubscribe |
use_personal_email | boolean Indicates whether the personal email of a Person should be used |
BulkEmail retrieved successfully
improperly configured request
authorization failure
internal server error
{- "archived": true,
- "bcc_rcpts": [
- "string"
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- "string"
], - "compose_tool": "string",
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- "external_id": "string",
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- "from_name": "string",
- "from_user_id": "string",
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- "string"
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- "scheduled_send_time": "string",
- "selection_json": "string",
- "send_from_assignments": true,
- "should_cc_all": true,
- "subject": "string",
- "unsubscribe_enabled": true,
- "use_personal_email": true
{- "_extra": { },
- "abtest": "/api/abtest/1/",
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- "aggregate_opens": 0,
- "aggregate_unsubscribes": 0,
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- "from_user": "/api/user/1/",
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- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "limited_to_teams": [
- "/api/team/1/"
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- "merge_variables": [
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- "/api/project/1/"
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- "reply_to_name": "string",
- "reply_to_user": "/api/user/1/",
- "resource_uri": "string",
- "root_bulk_email": "string",
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- "scheduled_send_time": "string",
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- "selection_json_old": { },
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- "sent_datetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- "supporter_count": 0,
- "text": "string",
- "unsubscribe_enabled": true,
- "unsubscribes": 0,
- "updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "use_personal_email": true,
- "user": "/api/user/1/",
- "variant_of": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
- "variants": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
- "was_imported": true,
- "winner": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
- "winner_of": "/api/bulkemail/1/"