Send Email

The endpoint for specific emails sent through Quorum Outbox.

Retrieve multiple Sent Emails based on search critera passed as GET Arguments


The endpoint for specific emails sent through Quorum Outbox.

Securityapi_key and user_name
query Parameters

Whether the record has been soft-deleted or not.

integer <int64>

The bulkemail with which this sendemail is associated.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
bulk_email__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
bulk_email__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

integer <int64>

Number of times links in email have been clicked

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
clicks__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
clicks__gt, clicks__gte, clicks__lt, clicks__lte - The value for the record is greater than/less than (or equal to) the provided parameter.
clicks__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

string <date-time>

When the record was originally created.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
created__year, created__month, created__day - The value for the record matches the provided year/month/day (note that week_day, hour, minute, and second are also available following similar patterns).


Send to email address. Nullable because push notifications don't use this.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
email_address__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
email_address__contains, email_address__icontains - The value for the record contains the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'icontains' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
email_address__startswith, email_address__istartswith - The value for the record starts with the string provided as a parameter. (Use 'istartswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
email_address__endswith, email_address__iendswith - The value for the record ends with the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'iendswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
email_address__iexact - The value for the record is a case-insensitive exact match to the provided parameter.
email_address__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

string <date-time>

timestamp for when the event occurred

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
first_open__year, first_open__month, first_open__day - The value for the record matches the provided year/month/day (note that week_day, hour, minute, and second are also available following similar patterns).

integer <int64>

The Quorum primary key for this record; guaranteed to be persistent and unique across all objects at this endpoint.


the link -> count key

integer <int64>

Number of times email has been opened

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
opens__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
opens__gt, opens__gte, opens__lt, opens__lte - The value for the record is greater than/less than (or equal to) the provided parameter.
opens__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

integer <int64>

The newperson with which this sendemail is associated.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
person__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
person__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.


First and last name of email recipient

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
recipient_name__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
recipient_name__contains, recipient_name__icontains - The value for the record contains the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'icontains' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
recipient_name__startswith, recipient_name__istartswith - The value for the record starts with the string provided as a parameter. (Use 'istartswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
recipient_name__endswith, recipient_name__iendswith - The value for the record ends with the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'iendswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
recipient_name__iexact - The value for the record is a case-insensitive exact match to the provided parameter.
recipient_name__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.


Whether the SendEmail has been sent

string <date-time>

The datetime that this deliverable was sent

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
sent_datetime__year, sent_datetime__month, sent_datetime__day - The value for the record matches the provided year/month/day (note that week_day, hour, minute, and second are also available following similar patterns).


Status given by Sparkpost after email is sent

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
sparkpost_status__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
sparkpost_status__contains, sparkpost_status__icontains - The value for the record contains the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'icontains' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
sparkpost_status__startswith, sparkpost_status__istartswith - The value for the record starts with the string provided as a parameter. (Use 'istartswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
sparkpost_status__endswith, sparkpost_status__iendswith - The value for the record ends with the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'iendswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
sparkpost_status__iexact - The value for the record is a case-insensitive exact match to the provided parameter.
sparkpost_status__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

string <date-time>

When the record was most recently updated.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
updated__year, updated__month, updated__day - The value for the record matches the provided year/month/day (note that week_day, hour, minute, and second are also available following similar patterns).

Array of strings

Option to provide additional detail for certain fields, either by expanding those fields with additional details from the related model or by substituting more informative values for the actual database values.bulk_email - expand bulk_email with additional details.
NOTE: This parameter can accept one or more comma-separated values; it is not limited to a single value.

Items Value: "bulk_email"

Perform an advanced text search on the datset with the provided text. This search will use the most comprehensive search method available on the requested endpoint, but can take slightly longer to return results.

integer <int64>
Default: 20

The number of records to return (for pagination).

integer <int64>
Default: 0

The number of records to offset the start of the data being returned (for pagination).


SendEmail retrieved successfully


improperly configured request


authorization failure


internal server error

Response samples
  • "_extra": { },
  • "alert_cache": { },
  • "archived": true,
  • "bounces": 0,
  • "bulk_email": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
  • "cached_limited_to_teams": [
  • "clicks": 0,
  • "contact_organization": "string",
  • "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "did_reply": true,
  • "email_address": "string",
  • "email_alert": true,
  • "external_id": "string",
  • "first_click": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "first_open": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "id": 0,
  • "initial_opens": 0,
  • "instant": true,
  • "link_dict": { },
  • "medium": 1,
  • "opens": 0,
  • "person": "/api/newperson/1/",
  • "person_id": "/api/newperson/1/",
  • "person_primary_organization": "string",
  • "person_type": 0,
  • "push_notification_error_enum": 1,
  • "push_notification_error_info": "string",
  • "push_notification_error_status_code": 0,
  • "push_notification_extra": { },
  • "rcpt_dict": { },
  • "recipient_name": "string",
  • "resource_uri": "string",
  • "sent": true,
  • "sent_datetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "sparkpost_id": "string",
  • "sparkpost_reject_reason": "string",
  • "sparkpost_status": "string",
  • "staffer_id": "1/",
  • "supporter_id": "/api/newsupporter/1/",
  • "text": "string",
  • "title": "string",
  • "transmission_id": "string",
  • "updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "view_in_browser_id": "string",
  • "was_imported": true

Retrieve information on a single Sent Email


The endpoint for specific emails sent through Quorum Outbox.

Securityapi_key and user_name
path Parameters
integer <int64>

The Quorum primary key for this record; guaranteed to be persistent and unique across all objects at this endpoint.

query Parameters
Array of strings

Option to provide additional detail for certain fields, either by expanding those fields with additional details from the related model or by substituting more informative values for the actual database values.bulk_email - expand bulk_email with additional details.
NOTE: This parameter can accept one or more comma-separated values; it is not limited to a single value.

Items Value: "bulk_email"

SendEmail retrieved successfully


improperly configured request


authorization failure


internal server error

Response samples
  • "_extra": { },
  • "alert_cache": { },
  • "archived": true,
  • "bounces": 0,
  • "bulk_email": "/api/bulkemail/1/",
  • "cached_limited_to_teams": [
  • "clicks": 0,
  • "contact_organization": "string",
  • "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "did_reply": true,
  • "email_address": "string",
  • "email_alert": true,
  • "external_id": "string",
  • "first_click": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "first_open": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "id": 0,
  • "initial_opens": 0,
  • "instant": true,
  • "link_dict": { },
  • "medium": 1,
  • "opens": 0,
  • "person": "/api/newperson/1/",
  • "person_id": "/api/newperson/1/",
  • "person_primary_organization": "string",
  • "person_type": 0,
  • "push_notification_error_enum": 1,
  • "push_notification_error_info": "string",
  • "push_notification_error_status_code": 0,
  • "push_notification_extra": { },
  • "rcpt_dict": { },
  • "recipient_name": "string",
  • "resource_uri": "string",
  • "sent": true,
  • "sent_datetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "sparkpost_id": "string",
  • "sparkpost_reject_reason": "string",
  • "sparkpost_status": "string",
  • "staffer_id": "1/",
  • "supporter_id": "/api/newsupporter/1/",
  • "text": "string",
  • "title": "string",
  • "transmission_id": "string",
  • "updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "view_in_browser_id": "string",
  • "was_imported": true