Official Events

The endpoint for the Events dataset, covering official events.

Retrieve multiple events based on search critera passed as GET Arguments


The endpoint for the Events dataset, covering official events.

Sample queries:[USERNAME]&api_key=[API_KEY]

Securityapi_key and user_name
query Parameters

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
address__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
address__contains, address__icontains - The value for the record contains the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'icontains' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
address__startswith, address__istartswith - The value for the record starts with the string provided as a parameter. (Use 'istartswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
address__endswith, address__iendswith - The value for the record ends with the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'iendswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
address__iexact - The value for the record is a case-insensitive exact match to the provided parameter.
address__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

Array of integers <int64>

The newamendments that are associated with this event.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
amendment_mentions__overlaps - The value for the record has one or more values in common with the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).


Whether the record has been soft-deleted or not.

Array of integers <int64>

The records of Bills related to this event.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
bill_mentions__overlaps - The value for the record has one or more values in common with the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).

integer <int64>

What chamber does this event relate to?

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
chamber__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
chamber__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

See the Enumeration Documentation CSV file located at Quorum_API_Enumeration_Values.csv, name CongressChamber, for an explanation of values.

Enum: 1 2 3 4
Array of integers <int64>

The committees that are associated with this event.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
committee_mentions__overlaps - The value for the record has one or more values in common with the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).


NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
description__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
description__contains, description__icontains - The value for the record contains the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'icontains' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
description__startswith, description__istartswith - The value for the record starts with the string provided as a parameter. (Use 'istartswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
description__endswith, description__iendswith - The value for the record ends with the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'iendswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
description__iexact - The value for the record is a case-insensitive exact match to the provided parameter.
description__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

string <date-time>

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
end__year, end__month, end__day - The value for the record matches the provided year/month/day (note that week_day, hour, minute, and second are also available following similar patterns).

integer <int64>

Sub-type used to differentiate within proxies

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
event_subtype__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
event_subtype__gt, event_subtype__gte, event_subtype__lt, event_subtype__lte - The value for the record is greater than/less than (or equal to) the provided parameter.
event_subtype__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

integer <int64>

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
event_type__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
event_type__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

See the Enumeration Documentation CSV file located at Quorum_API_Enumeration_Values.csv, name EventType, for an explanation of values.

Enum: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1000

Additional information about the event, as required.

Array of integers <int64>

Hashtags used by social media

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
hashtags__overlaps - The value for the record has one or more values in common with the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).

integer <int64>

The Quorum primary key for this record; guaranteed to be persistent and unique across all objects at this endpoint.

Array of integers <int64>

Terms mentioned in press releases etc.
NOTE: This related object is outside of the scope of our documentation.recommended you contact us at before building anything that relies upon it.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
issue_mentions__overlaps - The value for the record has one or more values in common with the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).


Where the meeting took place

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
location__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
location__contains, location__icontains - The value for the record contains the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'icontains' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
location__startswith, location__istartswith - The value for the record starts with the string provided as a parameter. (Use 'istartswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
location__endswith, location__iendswith - The value for the record ends with the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'iendswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
location__iexact - The value for the record is a case-insensitive exact match to the provided parameter.
location__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

integer <int64>

The organization that owns this event.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
organization__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
organization__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

Array of integers <int64>

The records of People (Officials or Staffers) related to this event.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
person_mentions__overlaps - The value for the record has one or more values in common with the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).

integer <int64>

The organization's point person for this event.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
point_person__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
point_person__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

integer <int64>

What region does this event relate to?

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
region__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).

See the Enumeration Documentation CSV file located at Quorum_API_Enumeration_Values.csv, name Region, for an explanation of values.

Enum: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 1000
integer <int64>

The legsession with which this event is associated.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
session__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
session__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

integer <int64>

The committee with which this event is associated.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
source_committee__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
source_committee__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

integer <int64>

The newperson with which this event is associated.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
source_person__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
source_person__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

integer <int64>

The None with which this event is associated.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
source_staffer__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
source_staffer__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.


NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
source_url__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
source_url__contains, source_url__icontains - The value for the record contains the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'icontains' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
source_url__startswith, source_url__istartswith - The value for the record starts with the string provided as a parameter. (Use 'istartswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
source_url__endswith, source_url__iendswith - The value for the record ends with the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'iendswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
source_url__iexact - The value for the record is a case-insensitive exact match to the provided parameter.
source_url__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

integer <int64>

The organization that sponsors this event.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
sponsoring_organization__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
sponsoring_organization__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.


NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
subject__in - The value for the record is in the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).
subject__contains, subject__icontains - The value for the record contains the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'icontains' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
subject__startswith, subject__istartswith - The value for the record starts with the string provided as a parameter. (Use 'istartswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
subject__endswith, subject__iendswith - The value for the record ends with the string provided as a parameter within it (partial match). (Use 'iendswith' for matching to be done case-insensitive)
subject__iexact - The value for the record is a case-insensitive exact match to the provided parameter.
subject__isnull - The value for the record is null (if true) or is not null.

Array of integers <int64>

The records of Votes related to this event.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
vote_mentions__overlaps - The value for the record has one or more values in common with the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).

string <date-time>

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
when__year, when__month, when__day - The value for the record matches the provided year/month/day (note that week_day, hour, minute, and second are also available following similar patterns).

Array of integers <int64>

Witnesses that will be at the event.
NOTE: This related object is outside of the scope of our documentation.recommended you contact us at before building anything that relies upon it.

NOTE: Parameter accepts additional qualifiers appended to the end:
witnesses__overlaps - The value for the record has one or more values in common with the provided array parameter (comma-separated values).


Perform an advanced text search on the datset with the provided text. This search will use the most comprehensive search method available on the requested endpoint, but can take slightly longer to return results.

integer <int64>
Default: 20

The number of records to return (for pagination).

integer <int64>
Default: 0

The number of records to offset the start of the data being returned (for pagination).


Event retrieved successfully


improperly configured request


authorization failure


internal server error

Response samples
  • "_extra": { },
  • "address": "string",
  • "alert_cache": { },
  • "amendment_mentions": [
  • "archived": true,
  • "bill_mentions": [
  • "chamber": 1,
  • "committee_mentions": [
  • "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "cspan_channel": 0,
  • "cspan_id": 0,
  • "description": "string",
  • "duration": 0,
  • "end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "event_subtype": 0,
  • "event_type": 1,
  • "expected_number_of_transcripts": 0,
  • "extra_info": { },
  • "fact_squared_meeting_status": 1,
  • "fact_squared_slug": "string",
  • "full_transcript_url": "string",
  • "id": 0,
  • "is_cancelled": true,
  • "is_custom_all_day_event": true,
  • "issue_mentions": [
  • "local_video_path": "string",
  • "location": "string",
  • "meeting_video_pipeline_status": 1,
  • "organization": "/api/organization/1/",
  • "original_content": "string",
  • "original_number_of_transcripts": 0,
  • "person_mentions": [
  • "plain_subject": "string",
  • "point_person": "/api/user/1/",
  • "point_person_name": "string",
  • "region": 1,
  • "related_documents": [
  • "resource_uri": "string",
  • "revai_job_id": "string",
  • "search_date": "string",
  • "sequence_time_cache": { },
  • "source_committee": "/api/committee/1/",
  • "source_committee_name": "string",
  • "source_url": "string",
  • "sponsoring_organization": "/api/publicorganization/1/",
  • "sponsoring_organization_name": "string",
  • "subject": "string",
  • "transcript_s3_file_name": "string",
  • "transcription_pipeline_history": { },
  • "updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "user": "/api/user/1/",
  • "video_url": "string",
  • "vote_mentions": [
  • "when": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "witnesses": [

Retrieve information on a single Official Event


The endpoint for the Events dataset, covering official events.

Securityapi_key and user_name
path Parameters
integer <int64>

The Quorum primary key for this record; guaranteed to be persistent and unique across all objects at this endpoint.


Event retrieved successfully


improperly configured request


authorization failure


internal server error

Response samples
  • "_extra": { },
  • "address": "string",
  • "alert_cache": { },
  • "amendment_mentions": [
  • "archived": true,
  • "bill_mentions": [
  • "chamber": 1,
  • "committee_mentions": [
  • "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "cspan_channel": 0,
  • "cspan_id": 0,
  • "description": "string",
  • "duration": 0,
  • "end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "event_subtype": 0,
  • "event_type": 1,
  • "expected_number_of_transcripts": 0,
  • "extra_info": { },
  • "fact_squared_meeting_status": 1,
  • "fact_squared_slug": "string",
  • "full_transcript_url": "string",
  • "id": 0,
  • "is_cancelled": true,
  • "is_custom_all_day_event": true,
  • "issue_mentions": [
  • "local_video_path": "string",
  • "location": "string",
  • "meeting_video_pipeline_status": 1,
  • "organization": "/api/organization/1/",
  • "original_content": "string",
  • "original_number_of_transcripts": 0,
  • "person_mentions": [
  • "plain_subject": "string",
  • "point_person": "/api/user/1/",
  • "point_person_name": "string",
  • "region": 1,
  • "related_documents": [
  • "resource_uri": "string",
  • "revai_job_id": "string",
  • "search_date": "string",
  • "sequence_time_cache": { },
  • "source_committee": "/api/committee/1/",
  • "source_committee_name": "string",
  • "source_url": "string",
  • "sponsoring_organization": "/api/publicorganization/1/",
  • "sponsoring_organization_name": "string",
  • "subject": "string",
  • "transcript_s3_file_name": "string",
  • "transcription_pipeline_history": { },
  • "updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "user": "/api/user/1/",
  • "video_url": "string",
  • "vote_mentions": [
  • "when": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "witnesses": [

Update a single Official Events by ID


The endpoint for the Events dataset, covering official events.

Securityapi_key and user_name
path Parameters
integer <int64>

The Quorum primary key for this record; guaranteed to be persistent and unique across all objects at this endpoint.

Request Body schema: application/json

Whether the record has been soft-deleted or not.

string <date-time>

The event lasts all day.


Where the meeting took place

string <{"id": QUORUM_ID}>

The organization that owns this event.
The argument provided must be a string-encoded JSON object with a single key, id, and the value being the Quorum ID of the object referenced. Example: {"id": 410003}

string <{"id": QUORUM_ID}>

The organization's point person for this event.
The argument provided must be a string-encoded JSON object with a single key, id, and the value being the Quorum ID of the object referenced. Example: {"id": 410003}

string <{"id": QUORUM_ID}>

The organization that sponsors this event.
The argument provided must be a string-encoded JSON object with a single key, id, and the value being the Quorum ID of the object referenced. Example: {"id": 410003}

string <date-time>

Event retrieved successfully


improperly configured request


authorization failure


internal server error

Request samples
  • "address": "string",
  • "archived": true,
  • "description": "string",
  • "end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "is_custom_all_day_event": true,
  • "location": "string",
  • "organization_id": "string",
  • "point_person_id": "string",
  • "sponsoring_organization_id": "string",
  • "subject": "string",
  • "when": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Response samples
  • "_extra": { },
  • "address": "string",
  • "alert_cache": { },
  • "amendment_mentions": [
  • "archived": true,
  • "bill_mentions": [
  • "chamber": 1,
  • "committee_mentions": [
  • "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "cspan_channel": 0,
  • "cspan_id": 0,
  • "description": "string",
  • "duration": 0,
  • "end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "event_subtype": 0,
  • "event_type": 1,
  • "expected_number_of_transcripts": 0,
  • "extra_info": { },
  • "fact_squared_meeting_status": 1,
  • "fact_squared_slug": "string",
  • "full_transcript_url": "string",
  • "id": 0,
  • "is_cancelled": true,
  • "is_custom_all_day_event": true,
  • "issue_mentions": [
  • "local_video_path": "string",
  • "location": "string",
  • "meeting_video_pipeline_status": 1,
  • "organization": "/api/organization/1/",
  • "original_content": "string",
  • "original_number_of_transcripts": 0,
  • "person_mentions": [
  • "plain_subject": "string",
  • "point_person": "/api/user/1/",
  • "point_person_name": "string",
  • "region": 1,
  • "related_documents": [
  • "resource_uri": "string",
  • "revai_job_id": "string",
  • "search_date": "string",
  • "sequence_time_cache": { },
  • "source_committee": "/api/committee/1/",
  • "source_committee_name": "string",
  • "source_url": "string",
  • "sponsoring_organization": "/api/publicorganization/1/",
  • "sponsoring_organization_name": "string",
  • "subject": "string",
  • "transcript_s3_file_name": "string",
  • "transcription_pipeline_history": { },
  • "updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "user": "/api/user/1/",
  • "video_url": "string",
  • "vote_mentions": [
  • "when": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "witnesses": [

Create a single Official Events


The endpoint for the Events dataset, covering official events.

Securityapi_key and user_name
path Parameters
integer <int64>

The Quorum primary key for this record; guaranteed to be persistent and unique across all objects at this endpoint.

Request Body schema: application/json

Whether the record has been soft-deleted or not.

string <date-time>

The event lasts all day.


Where the meeting took place

string <{"id": QUORUM_ID}>

The organization that owns this event.
The argument provided must be a string-encoded JSON object with a single key, id, and the value being the Quorum ID of the object referenced. Example: {"id": 410003}

string <{"id": QUORUM_ID}>

The organization's point person for this event.
The argument provided must be a string-encoded JSON object with a single key, id, and the value being the Quorum ID of the object referenced. Example: {"id": 410003}

string <{"id": QUORUM_ID}>

The organization that sponsors this event.
The argument provided must be a string-encoded JSON object with a single key, id, and the value being the Quorum ID of the object referenced. Example: {"id": 410003}

string <date-time>

Event retrieved successfully


improperly configured request


authorization failure


internal server error

Request samples
  • "address": "string",
  • "archived": true,
  • "description": "string",
  • "end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "is_custom_all_day_event": true,
  • "location": "string",
  • "organization_id": "string",
  • "point_person_id": "string",
  • "sponsoring_organization_id": "string",
  • "subject": "string",
  • "when": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Response samples
  • "_extra": { },
  • "address": "string",
  • "alert_cache": { },
  • "amendment_mentions": [
  • "archived": true,
  • "bill_mentions": [
  • "chamber": 1,
  • "committee_mentions": [
  • "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "cspan_channel": 0,
  • "cspan_id": 0,
  • "description": "string",
  • "duration": 0,
  • "end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "event_subtype": 0,
  • "event_type": 1,
  • "expected_number_of_transcripts": 0,
  • "extra_info": { },
  • "fact_squared_meeting_status": 1,
  • "fact_squared_slug": "string",
  • "full_transcript_url": "string",
  • "id": 0,
  • "is_cancelled": true,
  • "is_custom_all_day_event": true,
  • "issue_mentions": [
  • "local_video_path": "string",
  • "location": "string",
  • "meeting_video_pipeline_status": 1,
  • "organization": "/api/organization/1/",
  • "original_content": "string",
  • "original_number_of_transcripts": 0,
  • "person_mentions": [
  • "plain_subject": "string",
  • "point_person": "/api/user/1/",
  • "point_person_name": "string",
  • "region": 1,
  • "related_documents": [
  • "resource_uri": "string",
  • "revai_job_id": "string",
  • "search_date": "string",
  • "sequence_time_cache": { },
  • "source_committee": "/api/committee/1/",
  • "source_committee_name": "string",
  • "source_url": "string",
  • "sponsoring_organization": "/api/publicorganization/1/",
  • "sponsoring_organization_name": "string",
  • "subject": "string",
  • "transcript_s3_file_name": "string",
  • "transcription_pipeline_history": { },
  • "updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "user": "/api/user/1/",
  • "video_url": "string",
  • "vote_mentions": [
  • "when": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "witnesses": [